
Need supervisors for maintenance and CAPEX projects?

SAB Posting offers the solution!

It’s summer vacation time again, for many companies the time for major maintenance and CAPEX projects. These projects are complex and require additional oversight capacity – often 24/7. For project managers, finding the right supervisors/supervisors is especially difficult during this period. Safety first!

Our clients are looking for the best people who are also available at exactly the right time. It is not always feasible or practical to employ these people on a permanent basis. For many companies, it would therefore be ideal to have access to a pool of suitable candidates specifically looking for a job for a certain period of time.

That’s where we come in around the corner. SAB Secondment was once formed in partnership with the then Royal Hoogovens, now Tata Steel. Today we operate independently. In collaboration with Tata Steel, we have a developed tool that we have used to place numerous temporary supervisors for CAPEX projects in progress.

supervisors maintenance continuous casting machine

Source: Tata Steel

Users have their say

Bastiaan Donders (Department Manager Construction Management & Safety Management @ Tata Steel): “This tool from SAB is simple and practical, a solution for managing the deployment of “our boys.” The platform is a solution for our work in which large peaks and valleys follow each other at great speed. It helps us get enough resources for our CAPEX projects when the pressure is on.”

RobKroonenburg (Freelance Site Supervisor): “Logged on to SAB’s platform, I quickly get insight into future projects and can sign up for them. SAB then arranges for me to be in direct contact with the project manager. Transparent. Short hits.”

Keep building

So to date we have only used this supervisor pool for Tata Steel in IJmuiden. Both commissioning Construction Managers and our candidates like working through the platform we have developed for this purpose. And that is why we are eager to keep building on it, with new clients and more and more affiliated freelance supervisors (W, E, CT, Piping, Hydraulics, etc.).

Would you also like to tap from our supervisor pool for your projects in progress? Or are you a supervisor yourself and would also like to join our pool? Contact
us for more information or call Rutger Beekhuis at the office at 0251 26 72 72 or mobile at 06 21 70 35 36.

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